王綉慧 心理師



王綉慧    Xiu-Hui Wang





學歷:國立高雄師範大學 諮商心理與復健諮商研究所 碩士

Education : National Kaohsiung Normal University, Taiwan, R.O.C.


Specialties : Relationship and experience orientation, partner interaction and dialogue, family of origin and attachment, meaning of existence and inner state exploration and integration, emotional awareness and balance, physical and mental symptoms, anxiety and security, loss mourning and trauma repair, interpersonal communication and expression practice, body and mind Development and parent-child relationship and differentiation, multiculturalism and LGBTQ friendliness, major medical decision-making and caregivers, and physical and mental consultation for doctors and patients


辦公室地點:楠梓校區行政大樓 6 樓 諮商輔導組

聯絡信箱: whitefox@nkust.edu.tw


辦公室分機:07-3617141 ext.22099

Extension : 07-3617141 ext.22099